Sunday, October 18, 2009


When it comes to technology, I always feel like everyone knows more than I do so why should I write about something that others already know? There is a lot that I don't know. Maybe if I just concentrate on writing what I do know, however meager that may be, I will develop some sort of flow.

What I do know is that I have learned an infinite amount of information from my iSITS committee. Our meetings always serve to revitalize me and I lurk on Yammer every day. More power to those folks who faithfully share links to sites important to education. I only seem to comment when I need help! Sorry.

The internet has afforded me the opportunity to learn from my global colleagues. It’s exciting to find out that other teachers of 7 year old children have the same problems and successes that I experience. It’s rewarding to share lessons and activities that have worked particularly well. It’s comforting to know that someone else out there has advice for me. Some of my favourite haunts are inhabited by other Grade Two teachers. These are the places that I frequent the most:

• The second grade mailring on This site has a chatroom for each of the grades 1 – 5. It has a newsletter that includes regular articles by Harry and Rosemary Wong as well as lesson plans and job opportunities. It’s the one-stop shopping of the education world.
• is another place I hang out. Ideas abound from creative and dedicated teachers.
• I love reading Danny Nicholson’s “The Whiteboard Blog – Interactive Technology in the Classroom”. He basically critiques online tools for every subject area. Lots of good ideas have been snatched from this blog!
• I also have Technology and Education Box of Tricks on my iGoogle page for easy access.
• I enjoy reading David Warlick’s Blogmeister blog entries. They often help me with my own classblogmeister account.

I'm sure that my PLN includes other resources but these are the places that I can most often be found surfing my butt off.