Today I learned so much from my colleagues. It is easy for me to get comfortable with the things that I already know how to do and forget to stretch and grow. Taking risks is scary!
I always leave these "get-togethers" with renewed excitement and determination to introduce my staff and students to new things. When I get home, it's hard to keep the momentum going when everyone else at my school has their own issues, deadlines, concerns, and gripes. Somehow they think that when I come to a meeting, I should be coming back with answers to questions about blocked websites.
My next plan is to invite pairs of my staff members to join me in the lab for a bit of hands on page planning for the new school Drupal site. My goal for this year is to have everyone comfortably using their pages for communication with parents, students, and other teachers.
Thanks for the info about the web calendar Terrel! I'll be getting in touch with Methodius next week!